I was greeted this morning as I often am at times with "I want to do something exciting!"
We have just borrowed and now brought Di Hodges Book "501 Activities for kids". There is a little picture of each activity so you kind of get the idea with just looking at the page.
I said to my daughter that she should go and look in the book and see what she would like to do.
Chalk Targets.
We obtained an old chalk board from the dump (OK roll your eyes) and drew on it a large circle.
Getting the board set up was a little challenge (very heavy) and "the sun is in my eyes Mum I can't see".
We started off with circles 2, 5 and 10 points. It took a few goes to understand how to throw the ball and aim but I could see her getting better and better.
My son (who is nearly 2) wanted to keep score but in the end was happy with a biscuit.
We had a bit of a half time as my daughter wanted to add in more numbers and fill the whole of the board.
We talked a little about 0 and if you didn't get the target you got 0...her idea was you get to have another go ;-)
I asked if she wanted to time it so we could have equal time allotments then add up...."Naaah"
She kept on at the game till it was time to go to Playcentre with a promise that she could play again this afternoon with Nanma.
Before we packed up my daughter was showing my son "see look the sun has moved over the floor since we first started this game".
Just because I am interested and I've been working on our exception certificate....what does this section of the morning cover?
Essential Learning Areas
Language and Languages - I read the activity out to the children showing them the page
Mathematics - Drawing a circle, what numbers to put in the target, adding up the target points (I would like to show her averages and graphs but maybe not now...too young?
Science - Working out aim, looking at the sun, which ball was the best to throw. Was it best to throw from standing or sitting? Close or further back?
Technology -
Social Sciences -
The Arts -
Health and Well-Being - Keeping physical, safety of playing inside with the different balls, not being too rough with younger brother (knocking him over)
National Curriculum Framework Essential Skills
Communication skills - working with me and her brother
Numeracy skills - Calling out the numbers that she or her brother hit
Information skills -
Problem-solving skills - What should they play/do, How are we to play the game inside,
Self-management and competitive skills - Who got the most points?
Social and co-operative skills - taking turns, collecting up the balls together
Physical skills - Adjusting aim, holding and throwing ball, trying different styles
Work and study skills -
I suppose I could bring up what could we do with this skill....or where it might be used in real life. We've already done the Bow and Arrow (see old post) and we could talk about hunting (she wants a sling shot to get the rats in the garden). About people in other cultures and our own, in history and today that hunt for food.
I would like to show her graphs
And possibly counting/multiplication for adding up the score
We'll just see how we go.
And this was all before the morning really started
Wow Meghan! I always enjoy reading your posts and the way you share information. What fortunate children you have :)