Saturday, June 4, 2011

Chicken Care

This is a bit of an up date from the post Money responsibility trust and chickens. My daughter is just so in love with her chicks. We have given her a rooster of her own "Reddie" and she's just itching to have a hug with him too...but we've been explaining about the claws of a rooster.
This is the first day that they will be living full time out in the cage.
She's very worried that they will get too cold...I'm worried myself but have had ENOUGH of chick's in the garage.
So she rushing round to get enough dry plant material to put in the little hutch and find another few tarps to put over top of their house.
Poor Reddie has been booted out of his cage and moved into the little dome which she and I built for all her chooks in the future.
So wish us luck for the night and with hope they will all still be there in the morning.

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