Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Painting on the Windows

A few reasons.
First I am trying to build up the connection with Mr H. He's been a little lost over the last few weeks. My Nana has been ill and has not spent much time with us lately. 
Mr H is a private learner. He does not like to do anything in-front of Miss because she's already done it. This has caused him to be very bad tempered. 
So lots of hands on and outdoor time with him. Its been amazing just over a full day of really working with him how much he's changed already.
He was really keen to do this art work once he got over his first stages of..."What the eh?" and then got into it.

This was a really great activity as they loved every part of it. Drawing, Paper, painting them selves and then the clean up. Win win all round.

Shaving Cream with food colouring.

 It did get a little bit out of hand towards the end up it was all good once the hose was used.

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