Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 2013

I feel like I've come out of a bit of a tunnel. Just before school holidays dd had been working hard for 12 weeks...I thought we could keep going...but I think it was burn out.
So we had a half week off...then got sick!
Terrible hacking cough which lasted 2 weeks.
Well the kids really learnt a lot about germs then. No visits from friends and no school work. Dd went round the twist.
The nana got sick and it all got a lot more complicated as the elderly do.

But my little troopers carried on.
We've done some paintings of China, Africa and Briton  and toady nz. Dd is confused with the idea a country can be a country but attached to another one and not be an island of its own.
"So what's the capital of Africa?"
"What do you mean this part of Ireland is England?"

Ds has been learning his jolly phonics sounds. I found him today playing on dd's iPad some game where you write the letter. 
I'm not sure if he has the connection yet with brain, hand and understanding...he wanted to draw a z but ended up an almost capital E...he was getting very frustrated. Luckily dd walked pasted with a sandwich and distracted him before to many more tears came.

I followed a link about rainbow rice...maybe we will get round to mandala art but for this activity they really just liked touching and moving it.
It was interesting the groups (x 4) of friends who also experienced it too. Some got right in feet and all, some who are 9 tried eating it - augck! Some just ran their hands over it's and said why, some played for hours.

We visited the honey centre in warkworth. Kids loved it. They watched for ages all the little wriggling bodies. Dd drew this amazing picture and cut out bees and glued, really mixed it up.
She wants hives!
They were not so keen on real comb honey.

We did some giant bubble play...same link as rainbow rice. Happy hooligans. 
It worked sort of ok.

Dd's evening story has been Harry potter...books 1-2 and now a break and we are reading dr Doolittle.
Our read aloud for school has been the magic faraway tree...ds loved it! We had a famous five and now on to secret seven...I'm trying to keep it so ds is interested.

We went to the movies today...epic. We had the whole theatre to ourselves.

Dd will be doing an art class tomorrow with some other hs kids. What will ds and I do?

Monday, July 1, 2013

Our community

Our little rural community rocks!
As part of our home education we are wanted out family to be a part of our home community.
There are very few home schoolers here an none our children's ages. But we are keeping up with others and as they grow older doing more activities.
I love our little town.
The weather is lovely today and it just looks wonderful here

Crochet and weaving

Dd has been keen to knit crochet and weave.
Part of oak meadow craft...very cool skills she's picking up here.
She took some wool to her grandparents on the weekend and came up with the hat for ds...on her own.
My nana brought them a weaving kit which dd has just got into...and we are struggling to do much else.